We're pleased to announce a new update to our service - the ability to search for news articles in multiple languages! With this new feature, you can easily find news articles in your preferred language and keep up to date with the latest news from around the world.
Our API now supports news articles in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German and a total of 95 languages. This makes our service a valuable tool for anyone who wants to access news articles in a language other than their native tongue, or for those who want to monitor news and trends in multiple countries.
For example, if you're looking for news articles in English on a particular topic, you can use the following query:
This query returns a list of the latest news articles in English from a variety of sources. You can also use our API to search for news articles in other languages by simply changing the language code in the request.
This new functionality makes our service more accessible and useful than ever before. Whether you're a news enthusiast or a business analyst, our API can help you stay informed and up to date with the latest news from around the world.
We hope you'll find this new update valuable and welcome your feedback and suggestions for further improvements. Thank you for your consideration!